Всем привет, проблема следующая, открыл диспут о неполучении товара далее через несколько дней перевел в кляйм, вся проблема состоит в том, что в рядом с кляймом кнопка ответить и статус "
The seller has responded to our request for tracking information. We haven’t confirmed the tracking information yet but wanted to share it with you.
What happens next
Please review the information and let us know how you would like to proceed.
If you've resolved this problem, you can cancel this claim anytime.
If you received the item but it's different than you expected, you can change your reason for this claim.
Requiring your action
" и когда открываешь кляйм там нету никакого поля для ответа. Подскажите пожалуйста куда мне написать дополнительную информацию о споре? рыл инет ничего толком не нашелStatus
The seller has responded to our request for tracking information. We haven’t confirmed the tracking information yet but wanted to share it with you.
What happens next
Please review the information and let us know how you would like to proceed.
If you've resolved this problem, you can cancel this claim anytime.
If you received the item but it's different than you expected, you can change your reason for this claim.