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ПРод отказывается отправлять

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20 Июл 2011
Саратовская обл., Балаково
ну вот везёт мне на такие случаи.......

итак ситуация - выигран аукцион

выигран за почти халявную стоимость. Я за таким случаем охотился полгода! Вот наохотил.....

наученный опытом печальным - перед тем как отправить деньги связываюсь с продавцом и прошу отправить в Россию. Он отказывается( что и было указано в описании итема), я предлагаю отправить посреднику в штаты, он соглашается и ровно через два часа я получаю сообщение где он врубает заднюю и отказывается отправлять вообще куда бы то н было мне. Мотивируя что адрес отправки не является верифицированный пейпалом адресом (хотя он в описании не указывал такого ограничения как отправка ТОЛЬКО на подтверждённый адрес).

В общем я себе представляю так - он репу почесал... решил что денег мало получит за продажу и решил врубить заднюю...

с одной стороны я ему денег не первёл и сегодня по прошествии 4 дней система врубит заднюю (отмену сделки)... почему сам прод не включил отмену сделки мне непонятно....

у меня будет ещё 4 дня чтоб оплатить.... варианты вырисовываются такие:

- забить и искать дальше мою усилитель любимый.... ( а вот тут возможна подлость со стороны прода который влепит мне минус как человека, не оплатившего ставку)
- перевести деньги и ТРЕБОВАТЬ отправки (возможен возврат и тогда назад своих денежек ждать... месяц почти)
- Влепить проду негатив прям щас (он обещает влепить негатив в ответ)
- попросить его отменить сделку.

ниже я скину переписку с ним в оригинале.

Добавлено спустя 5 мин. 27 сек.
Dear 4werter,

For the 100th time. I WILL NOT SHIP TO YOU. I put it in simple english. Your address isn't verified. Its against everything the way I do business as well as eBay. Now please just get another amp. This is my LAST email to you.

- geetarza

Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 14:33:33 PST

Dear geetarza,

you have the right not to send me on an unconfirmed PayPal address only if this condition was agreed upon in advance. But you did not demand this!
Money in advance! You will receive a positive feedback as soon as the item will reach U.S. address. Next will be my problems.

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 14:10:19 PST

Dear 4werter,

You are extremely difficult. If your verified paypal address does not match the shipping address that you want it sent to. I HAVE THE RIGHT to not ship there. I can easily go directly to ebay and its a no brainer. ITS NOT SAFE FOR BOTH SIDES! I DONT WANT TO SHIP TO YOU. Now please understand so we can both move on.

- geetarza

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 14:03:21 PST

Dear geetarza,

** man? why are you swearing?
You did not specify that only send on Verified Paypal address.

You can humanly explain why refuse to send?
I will try to understand, because we're all human.

Tell me honestly why you are against the deal?

P.s. Russia - a harsh country, we are not accustomed to give up))

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 13:46:37 PST

Dear 4werter,

** man you just wont give up. Whats your Verified Paypal address?

- geetarza

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 13:39:09 PST

Dear geetarza,

Rules for eBay:
"Using eBay
- fail to deliver items purchased from you, unless the buyer fails to meet the posted terms, or you cannot authenticate the buyer's identity;
I ask you to deliver on this address:
Full name: ****************
Address: ****************
Suite ***********
City: Foxboro
State: MA (Massachusetts)
Zip Code: 02035-1072
Country: USA

You didn't ask to contact you if a buyer isn't from the U.S.
You said Only that the delivery within the U.S.

I beg you to deliver within the United States.
You are responsible only for shipping within the U.S..
You are not responsible for shipping from the U.S. to Russia. I accept it.
What is the problem??

I honestly have won the auction. Honestly!!! And ready to fulfill your requirements. Explain why you're not ready to meet the conditions that you set up yourself ??

If you put me negative feedback, then eBay will cancel it because I am an honest buyer.

Let us not quarrel, and complete the transaction to mutual benefit. And you will get one more positive feedback and my loyalty. Good?

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 13:01:04 PST

Dear 4werter,

You are from Russia and I said US SHIPPING ONLY, and you bid on the item before clarifying with me first if I would be okay with your conditions. Contacting me FIRST like EVERYONE else is what should of been done. I have 100% feedback and will leave you NEGATIVE feedback if you leave negative on mine so there is NO point in doing that. I know this is a badass head, but I am protecting both sides. Sorry again. Just get another head to avoid problems.

- geetarza

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 12:46:39 PST

Dear geetarza,

I think that you are violating trade rules in the auction.
I am ready to fulfill all of your conditions, but you do not want to finish the deal.
it is an occasion to leave you a negative feedback.

You didn't specify that you'll cooperate with a buyer from the U.S. only. You just said the delivery is within the USA.
This condition is satisfied.
so why don't you want to finish the deal? Explain please.

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-17-12 11:30:16 PST

Dear 4werter,

I understand. Sorry we can't complete the deal. Thank you for the interest.

- geetarza

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-16-12 23:31:59 PST

Dear geetarza,

why is it not safe?
I do constantly, if the seller refuses to send outside the U.S. and never had any problems.
For you it is absolutely safe because you get the money up front and positive feedback as soon as the item arrives at the address in the United States.
A delivery to my country is no longer your concern, and headache.

Let us complete the deal!

I am willing to pay.

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-16-12 14:51:30 PST

Dear 4werter,

I'm sorry. I just can't do it. It's unsafe for the both of us. Thank you for the interest! Hope you can find another deal.

- geetarza

Dear 4werter,

I will ship item to your US address, but I will not be held responsible if it gets lost, broken, ect. When on the way to Russia. Once it's to your US address you have to handle it from there.

- geetarza

From: 4werter
To: geetarza
Subject: Re: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-16-12 10:05:26 PST

Dear geetarza,

Hi. Why do not you answer my letters?

Are you ready to send the item within the U.S. or not?

I will to pay but can not do that until you confirm readiness to complete the transaction.

- 4werter

From: geetarza
To: 4werter
Subject: geetarza sent a message about Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Guitar Amp Head #120841067900
Sent Date: Jan-14-12 16:49:30 PST

Dear 4werter,

I do not ship outside of the US, why did you bid on my item?

- geetarza

Добавлено спустя 32 сек.
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25 Янв 2012
Про порядок прочтения сверху указал бы=) А так сочувствую, но вряд ли ты его убедишь.

marky mark

26 Авг 2009
Конечно желательно такие вопросы решать до ставки. У продавца ясно написано, что не высылает за пределы Штатов.
Ну и рейтинг его оставляет желать лучшего. Он просто перестраховывается, сумма не маленькая, да и товар габаритный и специфичиский. Я бы тоже не решился отправлять.

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